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Author: WhiteWing
Description: Puzzle on a table

Author: WhiteWing
Description: Modern livingroom

Author: fik
Description: My Beach Scene Time ran out !!

Author: Daaark
Description: Random beach scene. Objects Cave entrance Balls Umbrellas Big Red Button

Author: Elementrix
Description: Medieval city flying through the sky props: Oil lantarn, Big red button and waterwell

Author: Timpuktu
Description: Abadoned goldmine inside a volcano, turned into casino.

Author: eonblue
Description: Goldmine theme. Props: Well, crumbling wall, Oil lamp

Author: MeinenM
Description: A spacestation Props: Ball, fruit machine and a big red button

Author: Mr.Fletcher
Description: Route 66 theme. Props: Zombies, crumbling wall, bamboo
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